CBH Group
Quality Optimisation
Phobos developed a flagship web application to provide an interface for growers to blend their loads of grain. The web application allowed CBH growers to drag and drop loads into optimised lots, or to automatically determine the optimal blend for a grower’s loads using an optimisation algorithm. Phobos also delivered a solution that allowed one click deployment for the entire application.
Online Applications
Phobos delivered an online portal that replaced the existing aging system with a modern equivalent to meet today’s users expectations. An agile approach was used to deliver a system that leveraged the latest technical and architectural practices. A Service Oriented Architecture was used to break up the monolithic nature of the legacy systems. The front-end was developed using a Single Page Application approach with heavy usage of Javascript frameworks. This combined with RESTful interfaces and the incorporation of a document database enabled us to deliver a performant and maintainable solution. Under tight deadlines Phobos delivered for CBH Group its single largest client facing application.
Grain Classification Prototype
Phobos developed a prototype grain classification engine for CBH Group that accurately and performantly classified thousands of images of grain from grower load samples. As part of the project Phobos investigated several Machine Learning algorithms, developed a large set of image analysis features and heavily leveraged multi-threading.
Site of 2020
As part of CBH’s commitment to improving efficiency when delivering grain to their sites, they have incorporated a mobile application to integrate with their Site based services. Phobos delivered the integration for this mobile application, leveraging state of the art messaging frameworks based on Azure platform to provide a robust and scalable solution.